So I want to plot x against y, and have a texbox above the y-axis as a axis title, simplified code is:
program income_graph
syntax varlist(min=2) [if] [, y_title(str)] graph twoway line `1' `2' `if', text(310000 -5 `y_title')
income_graph fam_inc t, y_title("Family Income" "In Thousands")
If i replace the code with:
program income_graph
syntax varlist(min=2) [if] [, y_title(str)]
graph twoway line `1' `2' `if', text(310000 -5 "`y_title'")
income_graph fam_inc t, y_title("Family Income" "In Thousands")
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can keep the two arguments, so that I can get the y-axis title on two separate lines?
I have tried to use the -tokenize- code, but already then I can only give it the argument "Family Income In Thousands" , so the middle quotation marks are removed from the beginning, so I suspect I need to modify the -syntax- code, but I havent found any solutions.
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