
I want to export my regression output into word in a professional academic paper format. I use esttab for exporting. However, I end up formatting the table manually which takes a lot of time. Is there an efficient way of exporting? Thanks

My code is as follows:

eststo clear
eststo: qui reghdfe pm rc l.pm, absorb(cc y)
eststo: qui reghdfe pm rc l.pm l.la mc l.sg l.lev, absorb(cc y)
eststo: qui reghdfe pm pc l.pm , absorb(cc y)
eststo: qui reghdfe pm pc l.pm l.la mc l.sg l.lev, absorb(cc y)
esttab using "$results/Baseline_results.csv" ///
, ///
r2 ///
noconstant ///
star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) ///
title("Baseline Regressions") replace