Dear colleagues,
For my thesis, I would like to write an equation showing the final Model for a binomial logistic regression analysis I constructed using a complex survey. The outcome/dependent variable is DiarrCost, a binary variable. I used svy command throughout the analysis and all the independent variables are categorical. There is an interaction term (HFocusSt*Wealth). Does the equation notation underneath look right to you? Does it change if I use logistic or logit (in terms of equation notation).

Stata command:

svy: logit DiarrCost Sex Infant Wealth MotherEd HFocusSt HFocusSt _Wealth

Proposed equation notation:

Logit (DiarrCost) = a + b(Sex) + b(Infant) + b(Wealth) + b(MotherEd) + b(HFocusSt) + b(HighFocusSt* Wealth) + e