I'm running Stata 15.1 on OSX and working with aggregate state-level data. My dependent variable is the percent of democrats per US state that support a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants between the years 2005-2007. The year 2006 witnessed a wave of immigrant protests across 43 states. Both the size and number of protests vary by state. I'd thus like to see whether a) democrats' support for citizenship increased in states exposed to protests, and whether b) the size and number of protests moderate the effect of protest exposure. However, I'm not sure which model best suits what I'm trying to do. For instance, is a difference-in-difference or regression discontinuity design appropriate here? If so, what do I need to do to arrange my data accordingly?
Here is the data I'm working with:
period3=time variable (2005, 2006, 2007)
dem_support= % of democrats supporting citizenship per state/year (2005, 2006, 2007)
protest_state= whether protests occurred in the state in 2006
number_protests=total number of protests in a given state during 2006
total_protetesters=total number of protesters in a state during 2006
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input double state float(period3 dem_support protest_state number_protests total_protesters) 1 1 17.63527 . . . 1 2 9.663982 1 3 12000 1 3 . . . . 2 1 . . . . 2 2 . 1 2 1024 2 3 . . . . 4 1 16.362799 . . . 4 2 23.32632 1 10 221800 4 3 24.91934 . . . 5 1 7.329951 . . . 5 2 9.992131 1 1 3000 5 3 . . . . 6 1 21.42707 . . . 6 2 20.31827 1 68 1347100 6 3 15.793694 . . . 8 1 17.090237 . . . 8 2 18.582304 1 7 126900 8 3 33.951332 . . . 9 1 12.244322 . . . 9 2 19.74781 1 5 9750 9 3 . . . . 10 1 . . . . 10 2 . 1 2 1512 10 3 . . . . 11 1 . . . . 11 2 35.654705 1 3 211000 11 3 . . . . 12 1 17.199724 . . . 12 2 14.352728 1 17 132200 12 3 51.79371 . . . 13 1 15.59329 . . . 13 2 17.511854 1 3 129500 13 3 56.65443 . . . 15 1 . . . . 15 2 . 0 0 0 15 3 . . . . 16 1 . . . . 16 2 . 1 1 4000 16 3 . . . . 17 1 12.915016 . . . 17 2 11.674236 1 10 789300 17 3 48.23936 . . . 18 1 6.537366 . . . 18 2 18.73149 1 4 15850 18 3 69.89759 . . . 19 1 7.581106 . . . 19 2 . 1 2 5950 19 3 . . . . 20 1 . . . . 20 2 18.027592 1 4 11000 20 3 . . . . 21 1 9.800719 . . . 21 2 16.520372 1 4 8060 21 3 . . . . 22 1 9.04233 . . . 22 2 15.409684 1 1 3000 22 3 73.023 . . . 23 1 . . . . 23 2 13.76378 1 1 150 23 3 . . . . 24 1 15.217574 . . . 24 2 14.87341 1 2 500 24 3 . . . . 25 1 21.60279 . . . 25 2 25.49279 1 4 19500 25 3 . . . . 26 1 6.352006 . . . 26 2 9.710866 1 5 78100 26 3 62.87351 . . . 27 1 13.329665 . . . 27 2 12.833672 1 1 35000 27 3 . . . . 28 1 6.729909 . . . 28 2 . 1 1 450 28 3 52.6959 . . . 29 1 12.850698 . . . 29 2 11.647774 1 1 5000 29 3 . . . . 30 1 . . . . 30 2 . 0 0 0 30 3 . . . . 31 1 . . . . 31 2 . 1 4 19000 31 3 . . . . 32 1 . . . . 32 2 13.775508 1 4 9150 32 3 . . . . 33 1 . . . . 33 2 14.19118 0 0 0 33 3 . . . . 34 1 5.309289 . . . 34 2 20.637514 1 2 2200 34 3 52.31853 . . . 35 1 12.02173 . . . 35 2 . 1 4 6500 35 3 30.33474 . . . 36 1 21.652407 . . . 36 2 22.45154 1 6 111450 36 3 33.247444 . . . 37 1 13.037005 . . . end label values state V081201b label def V081201b 1 "01. Alabama", modify label def V081201b 2 "02. Alaska", modify label def V081201b 4 "04. Arizona", modify label def V081201b 5 "05. Arkansas", modify label def V081201b 6 "06. California", modify label def V081201b 8 "08. Colorado", modify label def V081201b 9 "09. Connecticut", modify label def V081201b 10 "10. Delaware", modify label def V081201b 11 "11. District of Columbia", modify label def V081201b 12 "12. Florida", modify label def V081201b 13 "13. Georgia", modify label def V081201b 15 "15. Hawaii", modify label def V081201b 16 "16. Idaho", modify label def V081201b 17 "17. Illinois", modify label def V081201b 18 "18. Indiana", modify label def V081201b 19 "19. Iowa", modify label def V081201b 20 "20. Kansas", modify label def V081201b 21 "21. Kentucky", modify label def V081201b 22 "22. Louisiana", modify label def V081201b 23 "23. Maine", modify label def V081201b 24 "24. Maryland", modify label def V081201b 25 "25. Massachusetts", modify label def V081201b 26 "26. Michigan", modify label def V081201b 27 "27. Minnesota", modify label def V081201b 28 "28. Mississippi", modify label def V081201b 29 "29. Missouri", modify label def V081201b 30 "30. Montana", modify label def V081201b 31 "31. Nebraska", modify label def V081201b 32 "32. Nevada", modify label def V081201b 33 "33. New Hampshire", modify label def V081201b 34 "34. New Jersey", modify label def V081201b 35 "35. New Mexico", modify label def V081201b 36 "36. New York", modify label def V081201b 37 "37. North Carolina", modify label values period3 period3 label def period3 1 "2005", modify label def period3 2 "2006", modify label def period3 3 "2007", modify
Thanks in advance for your help!
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