
I've used the following loop command to generate two data sets that I will be using to run a number of analysis:

The idea is to have two random samples of obs 200. I then plan to simulate how different statistical tests perform by simulation (2000 reps). I've only included 10 here to save computation time. The main issue I'm having is that I have to clear the x and y variables each time to run the loop, but I would like to add them to each other so that I have complete data set at the end of all the sample variables.

I tried using append in the loop (see below), but it just adds the same sample of 200 obs on top of each other

local a = 100
local c = 3

local b = 90
local d = 3

local obs = 200
local nsets = 10

set seed 987654321

forvalues i = 1/`nsets'{


set obs `obs'

generate x = rnormal(`a',`c')

generate y =rnormal(`b',`d')

ttest x=y, unpaired

ttest x=y, unpaired unequal

save x, replace

save y, replace

*I tried using append here by adding:
*append using x


Thank you,
