I am using Stata 14/IC - I have successfully conducted a multiple imputation using chained equations. I am now trying to run xtmixed models in three stages
an empty model, a model with only individual predictors and a model with individual and school level predictors.
This is my script -
** MODEL 1 – empty model
mi estimate: xtmixed tku_a || ïs_num:
estimate store em1
estat icc
** MODEL 2 – ind level only
mi estimate: xtmixed tku_a gender_num yip || ïs_num:
estimate store em2
estat icc
lrtest em1 em2
** MODEL 3 – school level (all levels)
mi estimate: xtmixed tku_a gender_num yip scty dmhl_rc tsel tats t_total b_sum || ïs_num:
estimate store em3
estat icc
lrtest em1 em3
lrtest em2 em3
I have two problems - the lrtest does not appear to be working and I understand the estat for ICC is not possible using imputed data.
Any suggestions on these two issues?
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