Dear Experts,
I want to obtain a cut-off for MUAC among infants less than 6 months of age.
These are my syntax, I am not sure about commands as I am new to this.
********first I have created a variable for death from birth to twelve months.
capture drop death_until_twelve
gen death_until_twelve=1 if dod_birth !=. | dod_three !=. | dod_six !=. | dod_nine !=. | dod_twelve !=.
replace death_until_twelve=0 if death_until_twelve==.
tab death_until_twelve
*******then I have grouped a variable for MUAC with categories mentioned below
capture drop muac2
gen muac2 = 0 if muacs>=12.5
replace muac2 = 1 if muacs<12.5 & muacs>=12.0
replace muac2 = 2 if muacs<12.0 & muacs>=11.5
replace muac2 = 3 if muacs<11.5 & muacs>=11.0
replace muac2 = 4 if muacs<11.0 & muacs>=10.5
replace muac2 = 5 if muacs<10.5 & muacs>=10.0
replace muac2 = 6 if muacs<10.0 & muacs>=9.5
replace muac2 = 7 if muacs<9.5 & muacs>=9.0
replace muac2 = 8 if muacs<9.0 & muacs>=8.5
replace muac2 = 9 if muacs<8.5 & muacs>=8.0
replace muac2 = 10 if muacs<8.0 & muacs>=7.5
replace muac2 = 11 if muacs<7.5 & muacs>=7.0
replace muac2 = 12 if muacs<7.0 & muacs>=6.5
replace muac2 = 13 if muacs<6.5
tab muac2
********Then, I run logit
logit death_until_twelve muac2
predict yhat, pr
roctab death_until_twelve yhat, detail
Please suggest the right way to get the results. Your help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks with sincere regards,
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