I'm doing ARIMA with several variables on a time series.
Arima value decimalvar1 decimalvar2, ar(1)

Decimalvar1 and decimalvar2 end up being really close to value. Decimalvar1 coefficient is like 30 000 while value let's say 70 000.
I get them in the results as coefficients in the same box as the constant. The lags are in a different box showing decimal values. I'm supposed to get the decimalvars
as decimal values aswell. More like 1.01 rather than 30 000

THe decimalvars are a list of changes from normal I think? It's supposed to show interest based on how many searched for it, and it starts with 0. It shows values like. -0.01 0.03 - 0.12. Almost all of them negative

So my question is, should I format these decimalvars to something else before the regression? for example with start value 1, then 0,99? Or how?