Dear all,
I'm working on the following sample.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str6 company double year float(var1 var2)
"001166" 2006          0  .11279426
"001166" 2007  -1.637959 -.27963558
"001166" 2008   -.950194   .0750155
"001166" 2009  -.8942925   .4627495
"001166" 2010  -.8927091   .4618876
"001166" 2011  -.9401239   .4821147
"001166" 2012 -.24718045  1.0281346
"001166" 2013   .3438349  .58495206
"001166" 2014  .11407267  .26770407
"001166" 2015 -1.7433417  -.5185392
"001166" 2016   .2910845  .14705177
"001166" 2017  -1.207478   1.905073
"001166" 2018 -1.2699703  2.0405955
"001491" 2005  .11319265          0
"001491" 2006     1.3774  1.5326812
"001491" 2007 -.15200947  .19509214
"001491" 2008  .09235152 -.03370083
"001491" 2009   .4543725   .4367438
"001491" 2010   .1379019  .04374808
"001491" 2011   .7400544  .58201104
"001491" 2012  1.3656943   .9399076
"001491" 2013 -2.4492245 -1.6763176
"001491" 2014   .1054693    .715324
"001491" 2015  -.4048582  -.7234704
"001491" 2016 .028132726   .3532367
I would like to keep just the observations in which var1 is lower than var2 (var1<var2) with a p-value of 0.10 (one-sided) or less. It is worth underlying that var1 and var2 are computed thanks to a regression like this: y=a+var1*x1+var2*x2.
How could I do that?
Thanks for the attention.
