Dear Statalist Users,

I am analysing Panel Data at the individual level in 3 Survey Years: 1992, 2001, 2017. My data set is provided with probability weights (weight1992, weight2001, weight2017) for the respective years, which works perfectly if I produce descriptive statistics or bar graphs for each single survey year using the provided weight.

For example with this line I produce a table with frequency and row percentage of the variable "participate in local politics" in the survey year (syear) 1992:
 tab localpolitics syear if syear == 1992 [aweight = weight1992], row
To observe the development of my variable along time, I want to produce descriptive statistics and bar graphs for the three survey years together. My problem is that in this case, I am not able to tell Stata that it should use a different weight for each survey year.

For example, if I want to produce a table with frequency and row percentage for each survey year, i can't find an option which allows me to weight every year with its probability weight.

What I have in mind would be a kind of if condition: if syear == 1992 then choose this weight; if syear is == 2001 then use another weight.
Is there any reasonably simple way to do this or should I change my strategy?

Many thanks
Giorgio Varanini

PS: my data are confidential, that's why I did not share them.