Dear all,

I am writing my Master's thesis in Economics, and I am working on a data set on board of directors in the US over the past 10 years. Each director has a unique ID, and I can follow the director year-by-year. The problem arises, as I get the "repeated time values within panel r(451);" error when I try and set up my panel data.

This, I believe, is because a director can hold multiple directorships in different companies at the same time, why the year and the director ID is not unique as a match. To give an example, a director with ID "503" can be a director on the board of both "Eastman" and "TE" in year 2011.

Array [ATTACH]temp_15701_1568379118464_929[/ATTACH]

Is there a smart workaround? At the moment, I have the following code:

global t Time
global id ID
global ylist PD
global xlist Women ROA MTB LIQUID SOLV RISK IndD

*isid ID Time (to check for uniqueness)

describe $id $t $ylist $xlist
summarize $id $t $ylist $xlist

* Set data as panel data
sort $id $t
xtset $id $t
xtsum $id $t $ylist $xlist

* Pooled OLS estimator
reg $ylist $xlist

* Population-averaged estimator
xtreg $ylist $xlist, pa

* Between estimator
xtreg $ylist $xlist, be

* Fixed effects or within estimator
xtreg $ylist $xlist, fe

Thanks in advance,
