
I am currently planning a study and started thinking about the proper econometric approach to my data. While doing that I have come across the churdle command.
From what I can see in the Stata helpo file, this command provides an output table that is subdivided into the main output as well as two selection outputs (selection_ll, selection_ul), with the latter representing the lower bound and upper bound values that one has to defined based on the data structure.

I have googled for quite a while and cannot make sense of the interpretation of the output table. Can anyone give me a generic answer explaining how to properly interpret any given value in the main output, selection_ll, and selection_ul output? What is the meaning behind the values in either sub-table?

I don't have any specific data output to show since I have not yet obtained my data yet. But I would simply like to understand the meaning behind this command and the standard Stata manual is really no help.
