I am trying to understand why my interaction effects get different signs when using an logistic and LPM model. It is negative with the LPM which I think (when plotting the data and the marginal effects and the interaction per value) is correct. But the logistic model demonstrate a positive non-significant interaction.
I am interacting working class parents with years of education.
The lpm gives a negative interaction on -.015 And the logistic shows 1.04
When plotting marginal effects, per year of education, it demonstrates a negative influence negative at almost all values, especially low ones. has it something to do with high/low values and the interaction?
I came across this:
which says difference between low and high level ofin the probability of y is higher when x is low than when x is high.This corresponds to a negative interaction in a linear probability model. when the data a represented in terms of the log odds, Because the log of the odds is the dependent variable in the logistic model, this corresponds to a positive interaction in a logistic regression.
After Reading this I still dont understand fully what the log ods has to do with it?
Does it have to do with weaker interaction effect at higher levels? someone who can help me explain with simpler words? (pic of interaction per year of education using logistic)
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