It is possible to identify each MCQ using strmatch because each question-line begins with "\mc", and likewise the block of choices ends with the same value "\end{MC}". Here is a snippet of the data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str145 v1 "%Label1: " "\mc The production possibility curve (PPC) represents the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ combinations of goods that can be produced with available resources." "\begin{MC}" "\item minimum attainable" "\item maximum attainable" "\item only" "\item equitable" "\end{MC}" "%Label2: " "\mc A point on the production possibility curve (PPC) is \_\_\_\_ if it is outside of the curve." "\begin{MC}" "\item attainable and efficient" "\item attainable and inefficient" "\item unattainable" "\item \textbf{None of the above}" "\end{MC}" end
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str145 v1 "%Label1: " "\mc The production possibility curve (PPC) represents the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ combinations of goods that can be produced with available resources." "\begin{MC}" "\item minimum attainable" "\item \textbf{maximum attainable}" "\item only" "\item equitable" "\end{MC}" "\begin{MC}" "\item minimum attainable" "\item \textbf{maximum attainable}" "\item only" "\item equitable" "\end{MC}" "%Label2: " "\mc A point on the production possibility curve (PPC) is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ if it is outside of the curve." "\begin{MC}" "\item attainable and efficient" "\item attainable and inefficient" "\item unattainable" "\item \textbf{None of the above}" "\end{MC}" "\begin{MC}" "\item attainable and efficient" "\item attainable and inefficient" "\item unattainable" "\item \textbf{None of the above}" "\end{MC}" end
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