Dear Statalist:

Is there any possibility to derive adjusted confidence intervals that are comparable to FDR (Benjamini Hochberg false-discovery-rate)-adjusted p-values in Stata? I used Newson's qvalue.ado to calculate qvalues but I cannot figure out how to get equivalent CIs. I found R (https://bmcbioinformatics.biomedcent...71-2105-12-288) code but I would like to in Stata.

I run multiple Cox models for different exposures and effect-modifiers and get HRs for combinations of exposures and modifiers. In addition to providing qvalues for the interaction term i would like to get FDR-compareable CIs from lincom.

foreach exp of varlist x1 x2 {
foreach mod of varlist m1 m2 {
quiet stset age_dx_cens, f(ovaryca==1) origin(time ENTRY_AGE)
quiet stcox c.`exp'##i.`mod' $m3, strata(age_5) nolog
parmest, saving("$ovarian_int\`exp'_`mod'", replace)
di "***************HR by levels of modifier***"
levelsof `mod', local(levels)
foreach l of local levels {
lincom c.`exp' + c.`exp'#`l'.`mod', eform level(95)

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance Sebastian