I am trying to compare coefficients before and after the crisis. I am using the SUEST command so I can compare the coefficients of the variables across these two models.

I start running the command, I type:

reg tobinsq L1.(totalforeignnonexovertotalboard) L1.(edshareownership ) L1.( logedcompwithoutshares ) L1.(ceoshareownership)  L1.( logceocompwithoutshares ) L1.( nedshareownership) L1.(logtotalcash) L1.(tenure)  L1.(gender ) L1.(logage) L1.(ceoduality) L1.(boardindependencene) L1.(logofboardsize) L1.(logta) L1.(leverage) L1.(stockreturns) L1.(pricevolatility) i.year i.industry if (crisis==1)

estimates store crisisone

reg tobinsq L1.(totalforeignnonexovertotalboard) L1.(edshareownership ) L1.( logedcompwithoutshares ) L1.(ceoshareownership)  L1.( logceocompwithoutshares ) L1.( nedshareownership) L1.(logtotalcash) L1.(tenure)  L1.(gender ) L1.(logage) L1.(ceoduality) L1.(boardindependencene) L1.(logofboardsize) L1.(logta) L1.(leverage) L1.(stockreturns) L1.(pricevolatility) i.year i.industry if (crisis==3)

estimates store crisisthree

suest crisisone crisisthree, vce(robust)

test [crisisone_mean] totalforeignnonexovertotalboard - [crisisthree_mean] totalforeignnonexovertotalboard =0
When stata gets to the
 suest crisisone crisisthree, vce(robust)
command, I am getting the error code
too many base levels specified r(198);
What does this mean? And, is there anything I can do about it?