Dear All,

I am looking to create a similar graph like the one herein attached which combines both bar and dot plots into a single plot.
Kindly find the data that I am using:
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long Category float(frequencyindex coverageratio prevalencescore regularintensity)
1  .3943591  .4980086 2.0093305 .0003354162
2  .3671874 .42085615 1.1860977   .01351625
3 .26117173  .3459178  .9149907    -.032216
label values Category Category
label def Category 1 "GCC", modify
label def Category 2 "Maghreb", modify
label def Category 3 "Mashreq", modify

The command I am using is:

tw bar prevalencescore Category ||scatter regularintensity Category, yaxis(2)
However, after adjusting the width to .5 the 3rd bar has disappeared, you can also see that my Categories are missing- the picture below-, I think this is due to the fact that I encoded the variable category because of a string variable is not allowed in the command above, moreover, the over() option is not allowed in a two-way option.

Seeking your kind advice and help, much appreciated.
