Hi Statalisters,

I’m trying to pull cross-tabulated percentages (estimated with svy: tab) out of Stata to send to an Excel spreadsheet using the putexcel comment. I would like to save the percentages (but not the row or column totals) from this 2 X 2 table:
. svy: tab behavdiff_2017 allergtotal, percent col
Number of strata = 52 Number of obs = 6,863
Number of PSUs = 533 Population size = 57,434,656
Design df = 481
behavdiff | Ordinal allerg
_2017 | No aller 1 allerg 2-4 alle Total
0 | 81.76 71.09 67.69 78.47
1 | 18.24 28.91 32.31 21.53
Total | 100 100 100 100
Uncorrected chi2(2) = 116.7373
Design-based F(1.99, 957.39) = 42.4172 P = 0.0000
Before I show you all the things that Stata has stored away after that procedure, here’s a few things I thought would give me what I need. “e(Prop)” was my first choice.
. matrix list e(Prop)

p11 p12 p13
y1 .58980719 .13189235 .06300774
y1 .13157606 .05364627 .03007038
But this is giving me the proportion of the sample that’s in each cell. They add up to 1.0:
. display .58980719 + .13189235 + .06300774 + .13157606 + .05364627 + .03007038
This next command gives me the same result in a different layout.
. matrix list e(b)

p11 p12 p13 p21 p22 p23
y1 .58980719 .13189235 .06300774 .13157606 .05364627 .03007038
Here is the full list of stored results that I get if I type in ereturn list. If you think you see what I need in here, I’d be grateful:
. ereturn list
e(df_r) = 481
e(N_strata_omit) = 0
e(singleton) = 0
e(census) = 0
e(stages) = 1
e(cun_Penl) = 116.7373167155248
e(F_Penl) = 33.89446293443975
e(df1_Penl) = 1.982098655460592
e(df2_Penl) = 953.3894532765449
e(p_Penl) = 7.70642289861e-15
e(cun_Pear) = 116.7373167155248
e(F_Pear) = 42.41724461321405
e(df1_Pear) = 1.990417470536126
e(df2_Pear) = 957.3908033278768
e(N) = 6863
e(N_strata) = 52
e(N_psu) = 533
e(N_pop) = 57434656
e(rank) = 5
e(cvgdeff) = .0950342588703039
e(mgdeff) = 1.72207060695022
e(total) = 57434656
e(c) = 3
e(r) = 2
e(pun_LLW) = 4.05071499502e-18
e(Fun_LLW) = 43.57501368434244
e(p_LLW) = 4.40241181592e-18
e(F_LLW) = 43.48442114030015
e(cun_LLW) = 87.15002736868487
e(p_Full) = 1.91899898534e-14
e(df2_Full) = 481
e(df1_Full) = 1.990300259344187
e(F_Full) = 33.89446293443975
e(cun_Full) = 116.7373167155248
e(p_LR) = 1.79769848951e-17
e(df2_LR) = 957.3908033278768
e(df1_LR) = 1.990417470536126
e(F_LR) = 40.32412490942171
e(cun_LR) = 110.9768016228261
e(p_LRnl) = 3.63594554175e-14
e(df2_LRnl) = 953.3894532765449
e(df1_LRnl) = 1.982098655460592
e(F_LRnl) = 32.22190808406095
e(cun_LRnl) = 110.9768016228261
e(p_Pear) = 2.63994377543e-18

e(cmdline) : "svy : tab behavdiff_2017 allergtotal, percent col"
e(cmd) : "tabulate"
e(prefix) : "svy"
e(cmdname) : "tabulate"
e(marginsnotok) : "_ALL"
e(estat_cmd) : "svy_estat"
e(collab) : "label"
e(colvlab) : "Ordinal allerg"
e(colvar) : "allergtotal"
e(rowvar) : "behavdiff_2017"
e(setype) : "cell"
e(vcetype) : "Linearized"
e(vce) : "linearized"
e(wtype) : "pweight"
e(wvar) : "wtfa_sc"
e(wexp) : "= wtfa_sc"
e(singleunit) : "missing"
e(su1) : "ppsu"
e(strata1) : "pstrat"
e(depvar) : "Mean"
e(properties) : "b V"

e(b) : 1 x 6
e(V) : 6 x 6
e(V_srs_col) : 3 x 3
e(Deft_col) : 1 x 3
e(Deff_col) : 1 x 3
e(V_srs_row) : 2 x 2
e(Deft_row) : 1 x 2
e(Deff_row) : 1 x 2
e(V_srs) : 6 x 6
e(Deft) : 1 x 6
e(Deff) : 1 x 6
e(V_col) : 3 x 3
e(V_row) : 2 x 2
e(Col) : 1 x 3
e(Row) : 1 x 2
e(Prop) : 2 x 3
e(Obs) : 2 x 3
e(_N_strata_certain) : 1 x 1
e(_N_strata_single) : 1 x 1
e(_N_strata) : 1 x 1

Is there any way to derive the estimates that I want from these stored results? Or should I just give up?

Thank you,