Hi there,

I am a new user here in this forum, so this is my first thread. My question:

I am trying to run the following code combining in some sense both the foreach command under a program, but dorm some reason I am not able to execute it properly. If someone can see the mistake, please let know how to solve it. Thank you in advance for you time.

program define myboot, rclass
args x
reg `x' elig esse elig_esse [aw=k_`x'] if select1==1 & esse!=0, robust
local a = _b[elig]
reg qu_m1 elig esse elig_esse [aw=k_`x'] if select1==1 & esse!=0, robust
local b = _b[elig]
return scalar ratio = a/b

foreach var of varlist lncn lnwr lnfoodh lnfoodout lnleisure lnotro lngasto {

bootstrap ratio_`var'=r(ratio), reps(50): myboot `var'

capture program drop myboot