Dear all,
I am running a panel regression with individual fixed effects. When using the -xtreg, fe- command, I get very low R2 (both for within, between and overall, all ranging from 0.000 to 0.10)
However, on the much quoted page that when reporting the Rsquared for fixed effects models, the R2 from - areg, absorb(id) - is preferred to the R2 obtained from -xtreg, fe-. Is this indeed the case, and if so, why? Indeed, with -areg, absorb(id)- I get an adjusted R2 that is much more sensible (0.63), whilst indeed all the coefficients remain the same, all standard errors have changed, and thus I am a bit confused as to whether it is appropriate to report the R2 from this regression.
Many thanks in advance.
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