* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input double(EINV OINV UINV) float(EINV_sig OINV_sig UINV_sig) .0063 -.011 .0016 0 0 0 -.0006 -.0052 .0009 0 0 0 .0032 -.0105 .0028 0 0 0 .0011 -.021 .0004 0 0 0 -.0021 -.0076 0 0 0 0 -.0049 -.0137 -.0021 1 1 10 -.0293 -.0565 -.0242 1 1 1 -.0121 -.0175 -.0111 1 0 1 -.0063 -.0103 -.0062 1 0 1 -.0041 -.0075 -.0029 1 1 1 -.0065 -.0104 -.0052 1 1 1 -.0019 -.0041 .0007 0 0 0 -.0003 -.0099 .0041 0 0 0 -.0087 -.0399 -.0019 0 0 0 -.0035 -.0071 -.0003 0 0 0 -.0064 -.014 -.0026 1 1 10 -.0752 -.1154 -.0576 1 1 1 -.0201 -.0203 -.0166 1 0 1 -.0088 -.0102 -.0077 1 0 1 -.0048 -.0072 -.0032 1 1 1 -.0077 -.0104 -.0059 1 1 1 -.0023 -.0029 0 0 0 0 -.0012 0 .001 0 0 0 -.0155 -.0301 -.0085 0 0 0 -.0161 -.0359 -.0098 1 1 5 .0108 .0153 .0109 1 5 1 .0124 .0087 .0144 1 0 1 .8984 .7977 1.1072 1 0 1 -.0062 -.0088 -.0052 1 1 1 -.0132 -.0164 -.0122 1 1 1 .0121 .0341 .0129 0 0 0 -.0041 -.0065 -.0011 0 0 0 -.0072 -.0146 -.0035 1 1 5 .4559 .6317 .3796 1 1 1 -.0329 -.027 -.03 1 0 1 -.0106 -.0102 -.0101 1 0 1 -.005 -.0071 -.0037 1 1 1 -.0084 -.0104 -.0068 1 1 1 -.003 -.0038 -.0002 0 0 0 -.0062 -.0121 -.0026 1 1 5 -.2257 -.2861 -.1836 1 5 1 -.0236 -.0144 -.0211 1 0 1 -.0088 -.0067 -.0083 1 0 1 -.0046 -.0061 -.0033 1 1 1 -.0076 -.0088 -.0061 1 1 1 -.0163 -.0382 -.0103 1 1 5 .0074 .0093 .0083 1 5 1 .0072 .0014 .0101 5 0 1 .0349 .0156 .053 5 0 1 -.0056 -.0073 -.005 1 1 1 -.0129 -.0144 -.0127 1 1 1 .0015 -.0026 .0037 0 0 1 -.0004 -.0113 .0035 0 5 5 -.0012 -.0223 .0084 0 5 1 -.0032 -.0007 -.0039 1 0 1 -.011 -.0012 -.014 1 0 1 .0078 .0279 .0042 0 10 0 .0029 .0083 .0011 0 0 0 -.0011 -.0016 -.0004 10 0 0 -.0024 -.0021 -.0018 1 0 1 .0003 -.0021 -.0005 0 0 0 -.0021 -.005 -.0009 1 1 10 -.0043 -.0076 -.0029 1 1 1 -.0028 -.0058 -.001 1 1 0 -.0067 -.0105 -.0041 1 1 1 .0017 -.0004 .0025 0 0 10 end
I also hope to offer information to show, if they are positive (negative), the number of statistically significant values (denoted by EINV_sig==1) and insignificant ones (denoted by EINV_sig==0). Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
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