Hello everyone,

I need help to check out of sample, a markov switch model that I estimated.

Markov-switching dynamic regression

Sample: 1 - 3000 No. of obs = 3,000
Number of states = 2 AIC = -3.5325
Unconditional probabilities: transition HQIC = -3.5282
SBIC = -3.5205
Log likelihood = 5304.716

B | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
State1 |
_cons | .0536254 .0005334 100.54 0.000 .05258 .0546707
State2 |
_cons | .1901039 .003082 61.68 0.000 .1840632 .1961446
sigma1 | .0208053 .0003912 .0200525 .0215863
sigma2 | .100986 .002102 .0969491 .105191
p11 | .9836962 .0029618 .9767509 .9885909
p21 | .0266072 .0047537 .0187185 .0376927

I need to estimate the smoothed probabilities of this model and not the fitted series of this model.