I'm having terrible trouble with quotes supposedly not matching in a putexcel command.
This is placing heading row titles into an Excel sheet, which is being replicated many times.
putexcel `point_est_col_1'`row_heading'="`col_label_1'" `point_est_col_2'`row_heading'="`col_label_2'" /// `point_est_col_3'`row_heading'="`col_label_3'" `point_est_col_4'`row_heading'="`col_label_4'"/// `se_col_1'`row_heading'="`col_label_1'" `se_col_2'`row_heading'="`col_label_2'" /// `se_col_3'`row_heading'="`col_label_3'" `se_col_4'`row_heading'="`col_label_4'" , font(Calibri,11,black) bold
di "`point_est_col_1'`row_heading' = `col_label_1'" di "`point_est_col_2'`row_heading' = `col_label_2'" di "`point_est_col_3'`row_heading' = `col_label_3'" di "`point_est_col_4'`row_heading' = `col_label_4'" di "`se_col_1'`row_heading' = `col_label_1'" di "`se_col_2'`row_heading' = `col_label_2'" di "`se_col_3'`row_heading' = `col_label_3'" di "`se_col_4'`row_heading' = `col_label_4'"
B7 = Level 1 or below
C7 = Level 2
D7 = Level 3
E7 = Level 4 or 5
V7 = Level 1 or below
W7 = Level 2
X7 = Level 3
Y7 = Level 4 or 5
An earlier version of my code, where I inserted each label into Excel using individual putexcel commands worked fine. But this one, where I place 8 separate insertions into the one command is not working. The reason for putting the 8 insertions into one command is simply trying to increase processing speed.
Any ideas on what is wrong?
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