
I'm using the mi impute chained command on Stata SE 15.1. After encountering the perfect prediction error message I opted to add augment to the logit command for imputation of binary variables. This led the imputation to run without errors, although some missing values are still not being imputed.

Strangely, the output notes the issue below, although I have checked and double-checked that the right-hand side variables and the weight are not missing any values. I would appreciate any insights as to why this might be. My code is below.

Note: right-hand-side variables (or weights) have missing values;
model parameters estimated using listwise deletion

 mi impute chained (logit, augment) SameRaceMathTeachWhite SameRaceMathTeachHispanic SameRaceMathTeachBlack SameRaceMathTeachAsian ParentNotBornUS CollegeAccessProgPart SchlOverCapacity G11_OfferAPIB C2DUALPROG Math9PlcmntStuParChoice Math9PlcmntCareerEdPlanImpt PeersTakeCollExams PeerPlansAttendColl PlansTakeCollExam PlansEnrollColl (regress) FamSupportAcad PerUndMin A1ELL A1FREELUNCH A1SPECIALED PercentAlumCollege MathTchMAorHigher_mean Math9PlcmntMSAcademics Math9PlcmntTests Math9PlcmntMSTchCounselRecs SchlLvl_LackParInvolvement SchlLvlTeachCult TalksFriendsAcad TalksParentsAcad TalksSchlStffAcad ParInvolvSchl = Male Black Hispanic Asian OtherRace ZX1SES LowSESAsian LowSESHispanic LowSESBlack LowSESWhite MidSESAsian MidSESHispanic MidSESBlack MidSESWhite HighSESAsian HighSESHispanic HighSESBlack HighSESWhite ZX1TXMTH PublicHS Northeast Midwest South Urban Rural TookAPorIB TookDE TookAdvCourses X3TCREDAPIB X3TCREDPPSE AdvCourseCredits [pweight=W3W1W2STUTR], add(10) rseed (53421) savetrace(trace1,replace) force
Thank you,

Mari Kevelson