Hello. I am trying to do a twoway scatter graph. The first problem i faced was that the range was not the same at both the axis. I fixed this with the xscale, yscale command. This is my command now and it works:

graph twoway scatter TurnoutFOE TurnoutSOE, xscale(range(0 100)) yscale(range(0 100))

However, I would also like to show labels for my points on the graph. This can be done with and it works:

graph twoway scatter TurnoutSOE TurnoutFOE,mlabel(Countries)

But when I try do combine them I can not do it.
graph twoway scatter TurnoutFOE TurnoutSOE,mlabel(Countries), xscale(range(0 100)) yscale(range(0 100))

Gives me the message: Invalid varlist

graph twoway scatter TurnoutFOE TurnoutSOE, xscale(range(0 100)) yscale(range(0 100)), mlabel(Countries)

Gives me the message: Countries: may not use time-series operators on string variables

How do i solve this??

Furhtermore, I would like to also add a bisector. Meaning a 45degree line in the graph.

Can someone please help me of write the full command to make all this work?
