Hi all,
My question is about how to create a loop that references the name of a variable in determining the value of another variable. First, allow me to explain and illustrate my data.
I have data about multiple investors investing in multiple industries. For each of the 718 industries in my data, I have created a variable (ever_x, where “x” is the industry id number) which takes the value of 1 if a given investor has ever invested in that industry. A very small sample of the data are shown below with only the first and last industry investment (ever_1 and ever_718) indicators shown.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input float(investorid ever_1 ever_718) str120 industrypair str3(industrypair1 industrypair2) str1(product_1 product_1615)
1 0 0 "1/10"  "1" "10"  "." "."
1 0 0 "1/100" "1" "100" "." "."
1 0 0 "1/101" "1" "101" "." "."
1 0 0 "1/102" "1" "102" "." "."
1 0 0 "1/103" "1" "103" "." "."
1 0 0 "1/104" "1" "104" "." "."
1 0 0 "1/105" "1" "105" "." "."
1 0 0 "1/106" "1" "106" "." "."
1 0 0 "1/107" "1" "107" "." "."
1 0 0 "1/108" "1" "108" "." "."

“industrypair” is a string variable which is simply every possible combination of the 718 industry id’s, separated by a “/”. “industrypair1” is the first industry in the pair, and “industrypair2” is the second industry in the pair.
The product_x variable is intended to be an indicator of whether an investor has invested in both of the industries listed in industrypair. A different product_x variable exists for each of the 1615 investors (i.e., product_1 – product_1615), though I only show product_1 and product_1615 here. Currently, all of the product_x variables are blank.

What I want to do is create a loop that achieves the following. For each row of industrypair, I want product_x to take a value of 1 if investorid==x (i.e., the same number as the product_x variable) AND the ever_x variable for the value of both industrypair1 and industrypair2.
So, for example, if we look at the first row of the data I shared above, industrypair1 = 1 and industrypair2 = 10. I want product_1 to equal 1 if investorid==1, ever_1==1, and ever_10==1. Similarly, in the same row, I would want product_2 to equal 1 if investorid==2, ever_1==1, and ever_10==1. And so on, for all of the industry pairs, for all of the product_x values.
I hope the above is clear. I am happy to provide further info if necessary.