Dear reader,

I have a dataset with many variables for different key statistics in a company that starts in 2015 and all end in 2018. The format now is wide as can be seen in the dataex example; I'd like to reshape them to a long format in an easy way without having to do this manually for each variableset (9 sets of 9 years). Is there an easy way?

Kind regards,

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str10 DealNumber float(yearacq yearexit) int(Numberofemployees2018 Numberofemployees2017 Numberofemployees2016 Numberofemployees2015) double(OperatingrevenueTurnoverth V W X Operatingrevenueperemployeet AE AF AG)
"1601223111" 2010 2018 .    .    .    . . 82899.65217340708  70054.8084720111 75388.16046497309 .                 .                 .                 .
"1601448192" 2011 2016 .    .    .    . .                 .                 .  223834.515466833 .                 .                 .                 .
"1601492008" 2011 2017 .  181  175  156 . 49112.43579444362 39813.26722258594 47462.17873775931 . 271.3394241693869 227.5043835973997 304.2447358515662
"1601392471" 2011 2016 .    .    .   82 .                 .                 . 83193.96917511761 .                 .                 . 1014.560600147968
"1909174393" 2013 2017 .    .    .    . . 52022.01761698723 41865.67221593857 40790.32053458691 .                 .                 .                 .
"1909481217" 2015 2017 . 2353 2363 1741 . 103327.7943396492 81523.50233502245 50213.00433506954 . 43.91321499538088 34.50000080571127 28.84147292429543
"1601301339" 2013 2018 .  492  413  351 . 116141.9960702643 87919.36525676394 79297.69826876068 .  236.060967875999  212.879818559123 225.9193682250333
"1601360939" 2011 2017 .    .  330  343 .                 .  91731.9600906372  65879.4105796814 .                 . 277.9756367341218 192.0682523395449
"1601366984" 2011 2017 .    .  830  825 .                 . 138598.6780137248  134310.638005784 .                 . 166.9863591923805 162.8007733073534
"1601366987" 2011 2017 .    .  830  825 .                 . 138598.6780137248  134310.638005784 .                 . 166.9863591923805 162.8007733073534