Hi everybody,

I'm doing a cross-sectional analysis with one wave of a Panel study.
I weighted my data with

svyset [pweight=d1ca1weight]
(a combined design and a poststratification weight provided in the Data Manual of the Panel study)

I never weighed a dataset before so I'm confused: Do I always have to define the strata? And what about the PSU?

The data Manual doesn't say anything about it.
Down below my Output after typing svydescribe.

. svydescribe

Survey: Describing stage 1 sampling units

      pweight: d1ca1weight
          VCE: linearized
  Single unit: missing
     Strata 1: <one>
         SU 1: <observations>
        FPC 1: <zero>

                                      #Obs per Unit
Stratum    #Units     #Obs      min       mean      max  
--------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
       1     2,747     2,747         1       1.0         1
--------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
       1     2,747     2,747         1       1.0         1
Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,
Alex (Stata 15.1)