Hi all.

Here is an excerpt of a program that I am constructing for university

simulate beta_1=r(mean) ,rep(500) seed(300344572) :sim 10, 10

clear // clearing past iterations of the program

. capture program drop sim // allows program reuse

. /** Start of Program */
. program sim,rclass // defining program
1. set trace on
2. args p t // p = number of individuals, t = number of periods
. /** Initialise Level 2 program structure*/
. set obs `p' // set the number of people to the input argument
4. generate person = _n // creates an indexed list of people
5. end

At line 4, it crashes, displaying the message "options not allowed" and an error code of r(101).

I am hoping that you can help me to find this error. I am sure it is something super simple.

Kind Regards
Christopher Keegan