
I'm trying to model a discrete choice (4 options available to each respondent in each scenario and each respondent faces 9 different scenarios.
Normally when I model discrete choices with case sensitive variables I use the "asclogit" model which allows two types of independent variables:
* alternative-specific variables: which vary across both cases and alternatives and are specified as characteristics of the choice options, in my case they relate to travel time with different modes of transports, costs, etc, and
* case-specific variables: which only vary across cases, in my case individual respondents and include variables such as gender, age, income, etc.

In case of the stated preference study, my respondents are making 9 different choices so it is like having a panel model. I'm trying to find a general model that can handle both case and alternative specific variables. First I thought that I could do the modelling using "femlogit" module but it seems like the model does not allow for case specific variables as it drops such variables as age, gender, etc which do not vary between the scenarios for each respondents.

is there any model out there than can do the work?