Hi all,

Recently switched to STATA from RStudio and encountering a rather mundane issue with graphing. Specifically, I'm trying to restrict the plotted range of my y-axis which is a binary variable. I've used the following command,

graph twoway qfitci var1 var2, yscale(range(0,1) noextend) ylabel(0(.5)1) xlabel(0(1)6)
Which results in the following,


I'd like to truncate the y-axis to simply 1. Obviously the 95% CI extends beyond the range but for presentation purposes of my audience I'd like to restrict to 1. I'm able to do this fairly easily in RStudio by simply specifying the cartesian coordinates which results in my desired output (technically I restricted this to 1.05),


I did search quite a bit and reviewed Winter's ``Regaining control over axis ranges'' which obviously did not help in my case. I did find this previous post and guessing an `if' command would work but unclear how to incorporate into my command line above.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

