Dear all,
I need to compute the Gini coefficient over country and over waves. Therefore, I realized the following loop:

gen gini_pri=. 
levelsof cname, local (c) clean 
levelsof wave_1, local(w)
foreach cname in `c' {
    foreach wave_1 in `w' { 
          ineqdec0 adjusted_pri [aw=t_weight] if cname==" `cname' " & wave_1==`wave_1' 
          replace gini_pri=$_gini if cname==" `cname' " & wave_1==`wave_1' 
However, once arrived at the country (cname) France and wave 7, the loop blocks saying "no observations". It is indeed the case that France does not have observations (it concretely does not exists) for wave 7 and 9, but for all the others.
How can I solve the problem?

Thank you,
