If I run OLS regression like this and my entity of interest is the hospital:
reg clinical_measure $controls ibn.Hospital_ID, base vce(robust) noconst
141 | 1.608901 143 | 1.684427 144 | 1.501123 145 | 1.426459 146 | 1.658545 147 | 1.808902 148 | 1.644542 149 | 1.726485 1410 | 1.756854 1411 | 1.597826 1412 | 1.874025 1413 | 1.788815 1414 | 1.586877 1415 | 1.733997 1418 | 1.350842 1419 | 2.342925 1420 | 1.570274 1431 | 1.42267 1432 | 2.28881 14103 | 1.836362 14105 | 1.52336 14110 | 1.723062 14115 | 1.75736 14117 | 2.039847 14118 | 1.72009 14139 | 1.090784
xtset Hospital_ID xtreg clinical_measure $controls, fe base vce(robust)
predict individual_effect_fe, u
u[Centre_ID ] ------------+----- -.2092153 -.1345512 -.026773 .0487535 -.0378475 .0088683 .0228709 .0908111 .1211798 .1732282 .238351 -.2848315 -.2130032 -.0654002 -.0487969 .0983237 .1531409 .6531358 .7072516 -.1123142 .0873884 .1216858 .2006881 .4041728
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