I am using tex (online version) to present my work. I would like to export my stata-results to tex. In fact, I used to export the tables to excel using the code mentioned below. How do I do the same thing, but to get the code for tex.
This is the code I am using for the excel-export and the created table is pasted below:
#delimit; xi: areg MW PACE i.year, absorb(county) vce(cluster county); outreg2 using Table1_EN_counties_20190402.xls, replace excel addnote("Standard Errors are clustered at the County Level") title ("Regression Results - All Counties") addtext(County Dummies, `"Yes"', Time Dummies /*date*/, `"Yes"', Covariates, `"No"', County-specific-trends, `"No"', SE Clustered at, `"County"') nocons keep(PACE) dec(3) label; #delimit; xi: areg MW PACE i.year Grad Bach No_Deg High_Sch Pop Age Unemp Dem Rep Electricity income Rebates, absorb(county) vce(cluster county); outreg2 using Table1_EN_counties_20190402.xls, append excel addnote("Standard Errors are clustered at the County Level") title ("Regression Results - All Counties") addtext(County Dummies, `"Yes"', Time Dummies /*date*/, `"Yes"', Covariates, `"Yes"', County-specific-trends, `"No"', SE Clustered at, `"County"') nocons keep(PACE) dec(3) label; The table in excel looks like this:
Regression Results - All Counties | ||
(1) | (2) | |
PACE | 2.309* | 1.269 |
(1.238) | (1.125) | |
Observations | 561 | 561 |
R-squared | 0.692 | 0.806 |
County Dummies | Yes | Yes |
Time Dummies | Yes | Yes |
Covariates | No | Yes |
County-specific-trends | No | No |
SE Clustered at | County | County |
Robust standard errors in parentheses | ||
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1 | ||
Standard Errors are clustered at the County Level |
I tried to use this code but it did not work.
#delimit; xi: areg MW PACE i.year, absorb(county) vce(cluster county); esttab using example.tex, label nostar replace booktabs addnote("Standard Errors are clustered at the County Level") title ("Regression Results - All Counties") nocons keep(PACE) addtext(County Dummies, `"Yes"', Time Dummies /*date*/, `"Yes"', Covariates, `"No"', County-specific-trends, `"No"', SE Clustered at, `"County"') dec(3) label; #delimit; xi: areg MW PACE i.year Grad Bach No_Deg High_Sch Pop Age Unemp Dem Rep Electricity income Rebates, absorb(county) vce(cluster county); esttab using example.tex, label nostar append booktabs addnote("Standard Errors are clustered at the County Level") title ("Regression Results - All Counties") addtext(County Dummies, `"Yes"', Time Dummies /*date*/, `"Yes"', Covariates, `"Yes"', County-specific-trends, `"No"', SE Clustered at, `"County"') nocons keep(PACE) dec(3) label;
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