I have run a simple regression model followed by a request for margins as follows:

. regScores ib3.Time##ib2.Group
command regScores is unrecognized

. reg Scores ib3.Time##ib2.Group

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        42
-------------+----------------------------------   F(5, 36)        =      0.57
       Model |  71.5570238         5  14.3114048   Prob > F        =    0.7250
    Residual |  909.384167        36  25.2606713   R-squared       =    0.0729
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =   -0.0558
       Total |   980.94119        41  23.9253949   Root MSE        =     5.026

        Scores |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          Time |
            1  |     -.7875      2.513    -0.31   0.756      -5.8841      4.3091
            2  |     1.5875      2.513     0.63   0.532      -3.5091      6.6841
   1.GroupCorE |      1.125    2.71435     0.41   0.681    -4.379957    6.629957
Time#GroupCorE |
          1 1  |   1.770833   3.838671     0.46   0.647    -6.014351    9.556018
          2 1  |   .4458333   3.838671     0.12   0.908    -7.339351    8.231018
         _cons |     56.275   1.776959    31.67   0.000     52.67116    59.87884

. margins Time##GroupCorE

Predictive margins                              Number of obs     =         42
Model VCE    : OLS

Expression   : Linear prediction, predict()

               |            Delta-method
               |     Margin   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
          Time |
            1  |   56.72857   1.343255    42.23   0.000     54.00432    59.45282
            2  |   58.53571   1.343255    43.58   0.000     55.81147    61.25996
            3  |   56.75714   1.343255    42.25   0.000      54.0329    59.48139
     GroupCorE |
            1  |   58.40556   1.184639    49.30   0.000       56.003    60.80812
            2  |   56.54167   1.025928    55.11   0.000     54.46099    58.62234
Time#GroupCorE |
          1 1  |   58.38333   2.051856    28.45   0.000     54.22198    62.54469
          1 2  |    55.4875   1.776959    31.23   0.000     51.88366    59.09134
          2 1  |   59.43333   2.051856    28.97   0.000     55.27198    63.59469
          2 2  |    57.8625   1.776959    32.56   0.000     54.25866    61.46634
          3 1  |       57.4   2.051856    27.97   0.000     53.23864    61.56136
          3 2  |     56.275   1.776959    31.67   0.000     52.67116    59.87884

. marginsplot

  Variables that uniquely identify margins: Time GroupCorE
In the resulting plot, I get this:


I don't understand why I have the GroupCorE=asobserved and I don't understand how to get \rid of it.