Dear Stata users,

I am wondering is it possible to force Stata to change the max/min ranges of y-scale of a graph in the combined graph. In my combined graph, variable 'sa' ranges between -10 to 10 in the first graph, whereas in the second graph it varies from -6 to 6. To zoom the second graph, I would like to change the ranges of the y-scale of the second graph.

PHP Code:
set scheme s1color
(scatter sa sb1 msize(smallmcolor(blue)), by(modelcol(1compact), || (lowess sa sb1lcolor(blue)),   ///
ylab(-10 -6  --3  -2  0  2  4  6 10)  xscale(log)  ///
ylab(, nogridyline(0xsize(3.8ysize(6.5

I would really appreciate if anyone may help me with this.

Many thanks