Hi there!

The forum already helped me a great deal (thx especially to Nick Cox!). However I am now stuck to a problem since several days. I have 268 variables. Half of them (v83 v85 v87 etc) show how the workers of a task decided to answer: a) inserting a phone number of a certain firm ("The phone number of the company is:") // or b) claiming they have not found a phone number ("No phone number available."). The other half of the variables give the (already cleaned) text-entry of the workers (v84 is the text-entry for v83).

What am I searching for:

LIST THOSE_VAR if (count of "stringABC" > count of "stringXYZ") in each of the SELECTED_VARS
cf.: LIST THOSE_VAR if (count of "No phone number available." > count of "The phone number of the company is:") in all the selected vars


Table SELECTED_VARS => showing: (count of "stringABC" and also count of "stringXYZ")
codebook v83 and the other vars does not give a handy table but a "never" ending list

Table SELECTED_VARS => showing: the two most common entries

Thx a lot for the help!
