
I am currently working on a project which observes an identical product that being offered by multiple sellers for discrete periods of time. I am interested in understanding how the cheapest price of the product has changed with time. To give a bit more understanding, I have included a table below which illustrates what our dataset looks like:
Seller ID Startdate Enddate Price
A 1jun2017 2jan2018 100
A 1jan2018 20may2018 110
B 5apr2017 18jul2018 130

Basically the desired output for this project would include the cheapest price provided by each seller for every date between 1 Jan 2016 and 31 May 2019. I have tried to show what this might look like below:
Date A B
2jan2018 100 130
3jan2018 110 130

The closest I have managed to get to this output is through a loop - however, my knowledge of looping is somewhat limited and I haven't been able to get the data into my desired format. The code I used is as follows:

forvalues i = 20454(1)21700 {
table seller if startdate<`i' & enddate>`i', c(min price)
As you can probably see, the output here is multiple tables and is not particularly usable for my research.

I would really appreciate any help that anyone can provide me!
