I want stratify my predictors (marital status, religion, education level, employment status for both the participant and her partner, empowerment, household wealth index (low, middle, high), mass media) by place of residence (urban, rural) using multiple multilevel logistic regression. Can you help me the command to analyse this model?
I have used the following commands but I didn't get the stratified output:
Stratfied by place of residence
xtmelogit ANC4_oldModel i.MAB i.Birth_order i.Relig_cat i.Marital_status i.Polygynyy i.V714 i.Educ_status i.Educ_Husband i.Occup_Husband i.Wealth_cat i.Media_Expo i.Empowerment i.V228 i.M43_1 i.V404 i.Distance_HF i.Child_HH i.Anemia i.Region if Survey_Year ==1 & V102==1 || V021 :,or nolog
wth kind regards,
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