I'm using the following code to produce a bar chart with confidence intervals. If I drop the options, Stata produces the graph.
If I leave the options in, as shown below, I get the response: "option xlabel not allowed". Doesn't matter what option I put first--I'll get an error for it.
Seems clear there's a coding error, but I cannot figure out what it is.

collapse (mean) meanage=agefrstmar (sd) sdage=agefrstmar (count) n=agefrstmar if age20_35==1 [aw=perweight], by(sample)

generate upper_CI=meanage + invttail(n-1,0.025)*(sdage / sqrt(n))
generate lower_CI=meanage - invttail(n-1,0.025)*(sdage / sqrt(n))

graph twoway (bar meanage sample)(rcap upper_CI lower_CI sample), ///
xlabel 64601 "1992" 64602 "2000" 64603 "2005"64604 "2010" 64606 "2014"
title "Mean Age at First Marriage"

Thanks for any help.