I want the results after bootstrap in a table. Can one of you tell me what I am doing wrong here and why I get only the last one in the table and not all 4?
The bootstrap is just the last step. The matching etc. comes before. The whole file is quite big.
//vanilla set seed 1 bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2 //k-nearest neighbor set seed 1 bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2_knn //kernel set seed 1 bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2_kernel //radius set seed 1 bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2_radius //llr set seed 1 bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2_llr esttab, star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) keep(ATT_1 ATT_0 Pr_D1D2 ATT_final) order(ATT_1 ATT_0 Pr_D1D2 ATT_final) /* */ label beta(2) pr2 nonumbers mtitles("1" "2" "3" "4") brackets title(Table AAA: M1-M4) /* */ nonotes addnotes("Note:." /* */ "Standardized beta coefficients; t statistics in parentheses; * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01.") eststo clear
. esttab, star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) keep(ATT_1 ATT_0 Pr_D1D2 ATT_final) order(ATT_1 ATT_0 Pr_D1D2 ATT_final) /* > */ label beta(2) pr2 nonumbers mtitles("1" "2" "3" "4") brackets title(Table AAA: M1-M4) /* > */ nonotes addnotes("Note:." /* > */ "Standardized beta coefficients; t statistics in parentheses; * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01.") added matrix: e(beta) : 1 x 4 Table AAA: M1-M4 ------------------------------------ 1 ------------------------------------ ATT_1 * [-1.73] ATT_0 [0.68] Pr_D1D2 *** [367.09] ATT_final [0.09] ------------------------------------ Observations 6629 Pseudo R-squared ------------------------------------ Note:. Standardized beta coefficients; t statistics in parentheses; * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. . . eststo clear . end of do-file .
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