
I want the results after bootstrap in a table. Can one of you tell me what I am doing wrong here and why I get only the last one in the table and not all 4?
The bootstrap is just the last step. The matching etc. comes before. The whole file is quite big.

set seed 1
bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2
//k-nearest neighbor
set seed 1
bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2_knn
set seed 1
bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2_kernel
set seed 1
bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2_radius
set seed 1
bootstrap ATT_1 = r(ATT1) ATT_0 = r(ATT0) Pr_D1D2 = r(PrD1D2) ATT_final = r(PrD1GivenD2), reps(2) nodrop: ATT_psmatch2_llr

esttab, star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) keep(ATT_1 ATT_0 Pr_D1D2 ATT_final) order(ATT_1 ATT_0 Pr_D1D2 ATT_final) /*
*/ label beta(2) pr2 nonumbers mtitles("1" "2" "3" "4") brackets title(Table AAA: M1-M4) /*
*/ nonotes addnotes("Note:." /*
*/ "Standardized beta coefficients; t statistics in parentheses; * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01.")

eststo clear
Stata gives me:

. esttab, star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) keep(ATT_1 ATT_0 Pr_D1D2 ATT_final) order(ATT_1 ATT_0 Pr_D1D2 ATT_final) /*
> */ label beta(2) pr2 nonumbers mtitles("1" "2" "3" "4") brackets title(Table AAA: M1-M4) /*
> */ nonotes addnotes("Note:." /*
> */ "Standardized beta coefficients; t statistics in parentheses; * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01.")

added matrix:
               e(beta) :  1 x 4

Table AAA: M1-M4
ATT_1                            *  


Pr_D1D2                          ***

Observations                 6629   
Pseudo R-squared                    
Standardized beta coefficients; t statistics in parentheses; * p<0.10, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01.

. eststo clear

end of do-file

Kind regards