Hi everyone,

I would like to seek advice on the metacumbounds package used for trial sequential analysis.
I have 2 questions:

1. error message on finding the R pathname:

For the metacumbounds package, R is required - i have downloaded both foreign and ldbounds on R (v 3.3.3)
I have tried this on both a Mac and Windows PC but I receive this error message on my mac (default setting on the dialog box for metacumbounds)
R executable Rterm.exe not found in C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.2\bin\i386\, cannot access R software
I have modified the pathname file to /Library/Frameworks/R.framework - the location for Mac but similarly received the above error.
Is there anyone that can help with this?

2. "observation numbers out of range" error

The error in 1. (R pathname error) was obtained when i used the sample dataset provided alongside the metacumbounds package. This is the setting used:
When i used my own data set (shown in screenshot), I obtained this error:
observation numbers out of range
How should i deal with this error?

Thanks for your help.