I am estimating the alpha of several variables. I have specified asis, item, and label.
I need to be able to export r(ItemTestCorr), r(Alpha), and the labels. However, I can't find a way to export the labels. The matrix of r(ItemTestCorr) and r(Alpha) exports perfectly, but the labels do not. In this case, you know how labels are stored in matrices. I need your kind help to understand what I may be doing wrong. I share the code and the results. Thanks for your help!!
** Estimate the Cronbach's alpha for each item
alpha lit_a2_s lit_a4 lit_b2 lit_c1 lit_c2 mth_a6 mth_a7 mth_c4 mth_c5 mth_e9 mth_f1 emo_c16 emo_c4 emo_c5 emo_c6 emo_c9 soc_c2 soc_e2 soc_x1 soc_x3, asis item label
** Export the result of estimation in the Sheet called "Reliability"
putexcel set "$tables", sheet("Reliability") modify
** Indicate in the Excel file the name of each hypothesis test corresponds
putexcel A5 =("Score") B5=("Item-test correlation") C5=("Alpha"), bold border("bottom", "medium", "black")
putexcel A26 =("Test scale"), bold
** Save the name of matrix output
matrix itemcorr = (r(ItemTestCorr))'
matrix itemalpha = (r(Alpha))'
putexcel B6 = matrix(itemcorr)
putexcel C6 = matrix(itemalpha)
putexcel C26 = (r(alpha)), bold
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