Hello Statalisters,

I am trying to create a variable that counts the number of times a particular county (denoted by FIPS and County Name) received funding over a five year period. I've included a data example for review:

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input long(fips county) int year double empgfunds
1049 305 2014         0
1049 305 2015         0
1049 305 2016         0
1049 305 2017     77426
1049 305 2018     50000
1049 305 2019     50000
1049 305 2020     50000
2068 314 2014    8533.3
2068 314 2015   9289.25
2068 314 2016         0
2068 314 2017  10054.93
2068 314 2018     12000
2068 314 2019     12000
2068 314 2020     12000
2090 368 2014    142000
2090 368 2015 139133.45
2090 368 2016         0
2090 368 2017    175000
2090 368 2018    160000
2090 368 2019    160000
2090 368 2020    160000
2110 559 2014    110000
2110 559 2015    160000
2110 559 2016         0
2110 559 2017    160000
2110 559 2018    160000
2110 559 2019 154081.93
2110 559 2020    160000
2122 570 2014    142000
2122 570 2015    160000
label values county county
label def county 305 "DeKalb", modify
label def county 314 "Denali Borough", modify
label def county 368 "Fairbanks North Star Borough", modify
label def county 559 "Juneau City Borough", modify
label def county 570 "Kenai Peninsula Borough", modify
As you can see through the data there are some places which received funding in each year and other that received funding only once, twice, or more. I'd like to create a variable that counts by fips code the number of times funding was received the maximum number of times being 5 for all years in the dataset. I believe egen will do this but after reading the help file and I think either anycount or count is the syntax I need but I'm not sure. So something like
egen count_empg= count(empgfunds), by fips
for each year in the dataset so I would end up with 7 variables with a 0 if they did not receive funds and 1 if they did in a given year. However, in the help file it states that the count syntax can't be combined with by so I'm stumped. Any guidance would be great.