McDonald’s segmentation, targeting and positioning is one of the integral components of its marketing strategy. Segmentation involves dividing population into groups according to certain characteristics, whereas targeting implies choosing specific groups identified as a result of segmentation to sell products. Positioning refers to the selection of the marketing mix the most suitable for the target customer segment. McDonald’s uses the following types of segmentation: 1. Multi-segment positioning. The fast food chain exploits multiple segments in terms of geography and demographics at the same time. The fast food giant develops items that appeals to the needs and preferences of each segment. 2. Adaptive positioning. McDonald’s periodically repositions its products according to changes in customer tastes and preferences. For instance, reflecting increasing health concerns by customers the fast food chain introduced a number of healthy items in its menu such as Fruit & Maple Outmeal and Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad. The following table illustrates McDonald’s segmentation, targeting and positioning: Type of segmentation Segmentation criteria McDonald’s target segment Geographic Region Operating in 119 countries Density Urban/rural Demographic Age 6 – 70 Gender Males & Females Life-cycle stage Bachelor Stage: young, single people not living at home Newly Married Couples: young, no children Full Nest II: youngest child six or over Income Low and middle Occupation Students, employees, professionals Behavioral Degree of loyalty ‘Hard core loyals’ and ‘Switchers’ Benefits sought Cost benefits, time efficiency Personality Easygoing& careless User status Potential and regular fast foodeaters Psychographic Social class Lower, working and middle classes Lifestyle McDonald’s targets Resigned, Struggler and Mainstreamer individuals according to Cross Cultural Consumer Characterization developed by Young & Rubican McDonald’s segmentation, targeting and positioning Important aspects of the target customer segment as illustrated in table above serve as the main guiding principle for McDonald’s marketing management to deal with Product, Place, Price,…
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