Dear Statalisters,

Please have a look at my data:

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input float event byte countrycode
0 2
0 4
0 7
0 7
0 5
1 3
0 9
1 4
0 8
0 5
0 8
0 5
0 5
0 5
0 5
0 3
0 5
0 3
0 5
0 7
event is a binary variable. I'd like to generate some visual descriptive statistics for event. Given that it is a binary variable, a box plot is unappropriate as there would be no boundaries. But I would like something that looks like a box plot, showing the mean where it traditionally shows the median, and the borders would be the mean +/- the standard deviation. To make things look clearer, here's an image of how it would look :


For each country code, the center of the box would be the mean of event, the left boundary of the box would be the mean - sd of event, and the left boundary of the box would be the mean + the sd of event, so the mean would be at the center of each box.

Is there a way to generate such plots? I tried the command -graph box- but my attempts remained unsuccessful. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks a lot!