
I'm trying to convert a gis file to .dta format. To answer a few questions: .shp and .dbf are in the same directory and there is no mistake in selecting the right directory. I used the same coding to convert other gis files before and it worked. But, for some reason it's not working. Any idea why ?

spshape2dta "Georgia.shp", replace saving(Georgia2014)
  (importing .shp file)
             st_sstore():  3300  argument out of range
      import_shp_polym():     -  function returned error
import_shp_read_shapes():     -  function returned error
import_shp_read_write_data():     -  function returned error
            import_shp():     -  function returned error
                 <istmt>:     -  function returned error
could not import .shp file