I have a dataset with information on individual id, signup & dropout year/month in the program I am evaluating.

The data is structured in the following format: we have 2 observations by id: the first one corresponds to the year/month the individual signed up for the program & the last one the year/month the individual droped out from the program.

I would like to transform the data so as to have 1 observation for each year/month in which the id was enrolled in the program.

Consider this simple data example:
input id year month
A  2010 2
A  2010 7
B  1999 11
B  2000 3
I would be looking for the following output
input id year month
A  2010 2
A  2010 3
A  2010 4
A  2010 5
A  2010 6
A  2010 7
B  1999 11
B  1999 12
B  2000 1
B  2000 2
B  2000 3