Hello everyone

I want to add two extra columns for mean and standard deviation to my correlation matrix:

estpost correlate patents Numberofmergersl1 Numberofmergersl2 Numberofmergersl3 ln_xrdintensityl1 ln_xrdintensityl2 ln_xrdintensityl3 ln_empl1 if e(sample)==1, matrix listwise
esttab . using  corr_matrix.rtf, replace unstack not compress noobs alignment(r) b(3) order(patents Numberofmergersl1 Numberofmergersl2 Numberofmergersl3 ln_xrdintensityl1 ln_xrdintensityl2 ln_xrdintensityl3 ln_empl1)
Also I would like to generate the VIF in a table:

estadd vif, tolerance
esttab . using  corr_matrix.rtf, append wide nopar
How can I suppress the beta coefficients in this table, add an extra columb for the tolerance to it and add the mean VIF at the bottom of the table?

Thank you for any advice
