I'am trying to write a reusable comand (in Stata 15) to plot a twoway scatter plot (2 continuous vars age and pam_), with groups (dp_ = Present/ Partially present / Absent)
My problem is that i would like to use 3 marker's symbols (1 style per group)
-a circle : o (paint in black

-a hollow circle : o
-a hollow circle with a + inside : ⊕
For the 2 first, all is fine.
For the hollow circle with a + inside, i can't find a acceptable solution (to be fully reusable without manual editing)
He is my code :
twoway (scatter pam_ age if sexe=="M" & inclu2==1 & dp_ == "absent", mcolor(black) msize(medsmall) msymbol(circle_hollow) jitter(1)) /// (scatter pam_ age if sexe=="M" & inclu2==1 & dp_ == "partially present", mcolor(black) msize(medsmall) msymbol(circle_hollow) jitter(1)) /// (scatter pam_ age if sexe=="M" & inclu2==1 & dp_ == "partially present", mcolor(black) msize(medsmall) msymbol("+") jitter(1)) /// (scatter pam_ age if sexe=="M" & inclu2==1 & dp_ == "present", mcolor(black) msize(medsmall) msymbol(circle) jitter(1)) /// , graphregion(color(white)) yti("PTA (dB)") xti("Age (years)") yla(0(20)90) xla(20(10)80) ti("M", color(black)) /// legend(order (1 "Absent DP" 2 "Partial DP" 3 "Partial DP" 4 "Present DP" ) size(vsmall) cols(1) ring(0) position(10)) saving(dp_Mbis, replace)
The "unacceptable" is the legend that i must edit to superimpose the 2 markers of the "Partial DP" group, like i did in the plot.
Another way is to manage this group more "properly" = not ploting a o and + superimposed on the scatter plot like i did.
But then, i'am limited to stata symbols (and characters). There is neither ⊕ in the symbols nor in the char list (0-255).
And i can't find a way to connect informations about this special caracter ⊕, with Stata
--UTF-8 hex : e2 8a 95
--numerical HTML encoding : ⊕
This is probably very simple... I hope someone will be able to help.
Thank you.
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